-Products Center

18.Lu S#,Tong X #, Han Y #, Zhang K, Zhang Y, Chen Q, Duan J, Lei X, Huang M, Qiu Y, Zhang DY, Zhou X,* Zhang Y*, Yin H* Accelerated SARS-CoV-2 and nucleic acids detection with enhanced sensitivity, reproducibility and flexibility, Accepted,Nature Biomedical Engineering.

17.Wang J #, He Z #, Wang G #, Zhang R # ,Duan J, Gao P, Lei X, Qiu H, Zhang C,Zhang Y, Yin H* Efficient targeted insertion of large DNA fragment without DNA donor, Accepted, Nature Methods.

16.Wang L#, Xue W#, Zhang H#, Gao R#, Qiu H#, Wei J, Zhou L, Lei YN, Wu X, Li X, Liu C, Wu J, Chen Q, Ma H, Huang X, Cai C, Zhang Y, Yang B, Yin H*, Yang L*, Chen J*. Eliminating base-editor-induced genome-wide and transcriptome-wide off-target mutations. Nat Cell Biol. 2021 May;23(5):552-563.

15.Lu S#, Li F#, Chen Q, Wu J, Duan J, Lei X, Zhang Y, Zhao D, Bu Z*, Yin H*, Rapid detection of African swine fever virus using Cas12a-based portable paper diagnostics. Cell Discovery 2020 volume 6, Article number: 18  

14.Song CQ, Jiang T, Richter M, Rhym LH, Koblan LW, Zafra MP, Schatoff EM, Doman JL, Cao Y, Dow LE, Zhu LJ, Anderson DG, Liu DR*, Yin H*, Xue W*, Adenine base editing in an adult mouse model of tyrosinaemia. Nature Biomedical Engineering. 2020 Jan; 4(1):125-130.

      “Correcting tyrosinaemia via a point mutation” Nature Biomedical Engineering volume 4, pages 14–15(2020) | “Towards better base editing” Nature Biomedical Engineering volume 4, (2020)

13.Wu J, Yin H*. Engineering guide RNA to reduce the off-target effects of CRISPR. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. 2019 Nov 20;46(11):523-529.

12.Zhang HX, Zhang Y*, Yin H*. Genome Editing with mRNA Encoding ZFN, TALEN, and Cas9. Molecular Therapy. 2019 Apr 10;27(4):735-746.

11.Yin H#, Song CQ#, Suresh S, Kwan SY, Wu Q, Walsh S, Ding J, Bogorad RL, Zhu LJ, Wolfe SA, Koteliansky V, Xue W, Langer R, Anderson DG,Partial DNA-guided Cas9 enables genome editing with reduced off-target activity. Nature Chemical Biology 2018, 14(3):311-316

     Nature Catalysis “Better guidance is cheaper”

     BioCentury | Altering Cas9 and its guide for fewer off-target edits

10.Yin H, Song CQ, Suresh S, Wu Q, Walsh S, Rhym LH, Mintzer E, Bolukbasi MF, Zhu LJ, Kauffman K, Mou H, Oberholzer A, Ding J, Kwan SY, Bogorad RL, Zatsepin T, Koteliansky V, Wolfe SA, Xue W, Langer R, Anderson DG. Structure-guided chemical modification of guide RNA enables potent non-viral in vivo genome editing. Nature Biotechnology 2017, 35(12):1179-1187

      VOICE of America | US Researchers Use Nanotech, Gene Editing to Edit Cholesterol Gene VICE | CRISPR Can Now Edit Genes Using Nanoparticles Instead of Viruses | Yahoo News | CNBC | Nanotech, gene editing used to edit cholesterol gene-US study| Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News | CRISPR/Cas9 Delivery Goes Nano with Enhanced Guide RNA Fiercebiotech | MIT scientists propose a safer way to edit genes with CRISPR MIT News | Science Daily | Bioscience Technology | Medical News Today | Business Insider UK | The Medical News | Phys.org

9.Yin H, Song CQ, Dorkin JR, Zhu L, Li Y, Wu Q, Park A, Yang J, Suresh S, Bizhanova A, Gupta A, Bolukbasi M, Walsh S, Bogorad R, Gao G, Weng Z, Dong Y, Koteliansky V, Wolfe S, Langer R, Xue W and Anderson DG. Therapeutic genome editing by combined viral and non-viral delivery of CRISPR system components in vivo. Nature Biotechnology 2016,34(3):328-33   

      MIT News | Science Daily | Bioscience Technology | Medical News Today | Deutsches Ärzteblatt | Nanowerk | Nanotechnology Now |The Medical News| Phys.org

8.Yin H#, Bogorad RL#, Barnes C, Walsh S, Zhuang I, Nonaka H, Ruda V, Kuchimanchi S, Nechev L, Akinc A, Xue W, Zerial M, Langer R, Anderson DG, Koteliansky V. RNAi-nanoparticulate manipulation of gene expression as a new functional genomics tool in the liver. Journal of Hepatology 2016, 64(4):899-907

7.Mou H, Kennedy Z, Anderson DG, Yin H*, and Xue W*, Precision cancer mouse models through genome editing with CRISPR-Cas9. Genome Medicine 2015, 7(1):53 

6.Yin H#, Xue W#, Chen S, Bogorad RL, Benedetti E, Grompe M, Koteliansky V, Sharp PA, Jacks T, Anderson DG (2014) Genome editing with Cas9 in adult mice corrects a disease mutation and phenotype. Nature Biotechnology 2014, 32(6):551-3  

       100 top stories of 2014 by Discover Magazine as “A Giant Step for Gene Surgery”

       Top Ten Genetics Stories for 2014: Incredible Achievements, by the DNA Exchange 

       Nature Medicine (CRISPR technology for gene therapy) | A cover story in Science–Business eXchange of Nature Publishing Group | BioTechniques

       MIT News | The Independent: Front Page Headlines | Fox News | The Times of India | Science Daily | Medical daily | The Voice of Russia | Phys.org   |F1000Prime   Recommendation | 

5.Xue W#, Chen S#, Yin H#, Tammela T, Joshi N, Papagiannakopoulos T, Cai W, Yang G, Bronson R, Crowley D, Zhang F, Anderson DG, Sharp PA, Jacks T. CRISPR-mediated direct mutation of cancer genes in the mouse liver. Nature 2014, 514(7522):380-4  

       Hepatology (Cutting short the path to murine liver cancer models)

       MIT News | Science Daily | Medical Press | Newswise | F1000Prime Recommendation| 

4.Bogorad RL#, Yin H#, Zeigerer A, Nonaka H, Ruda VM, Zerial M, Anderson DG, Koteliansky V Nanoparticle-formulated siRNA targeting integrins inhibits hepatocellular carcinoma progression in mice. Nature Communications 2014, 5:3869  

       Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology (Loss of integrin β1 impairs liver regeneration and HCC progression)

3.Yin H, Cheng L, Agarwal C, Agarwal R, Ju C, Lactoferrin protects against concanavalin A-induced liver injury in mice. Liver International 2010 Apr;30(4):623-32.

2.Yin H, Cheng L, Holt M, Hail N, Jr., Maclaren R, Ju C, Lactoferrin protects against acetaminophen-induced liver injury in mice. Hepatology 2010 Mar;51(3):1007-16  

1.Yin H, Cheng L, Langenbach R, Ju C, Prostaglandin I(2) and E(2) mediate the protective effects of cyclooxygenase-2 in a mouse model of immune-mediated liver injury. Hepatology 2007 Jan;45(1):159-69

4.Chen Q, Zhang Y*, Yin H*, Recent advances in chemical modifications of guide RNA, mRNA and donor template for CRISPR-mediated genome editing Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews 2021 Jan; 168:246-258.  

3.Yin H*, Xue W*, Anderson DG*. CRISPR-Cas: a tool for cancer research and therapeutics. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology. 2019 May;16(5):281-295.

2.Yin H, Kauffman KJ and Anderson DG. Delivery technologies for genome editing. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 2017,16(6):387-399   

1.Yin H, Kanasty RL, Eltoukhy AA, Vegas AJ, Dorkin JR, Anderson DG. Non-viral vectors for gene-based therapy. Nature Reviews Genetics 2014, 15(8):541-55   

2.Book Chapter "Genome Editing for Genetic Lung Diseases" Pharmaceutical Inhalation Aerosol Technology, Third Edition.

1.Book Chapter "Chimeric DNA–RNA Guide RNA Designs", Methods in Molecular Biology 2021; 2162:79-85.

Part of Publications from Hao Yin('*' for the 'corresponding author' and '#' for the 'equal contribution'  )